Applications & Forms
Find the important documents you need to get things done
Become a Sikorsky Credit Union member. Start the process of opening a new account. Take your first step toward securing that important loan. Here you'll find everything you need. And if you have any questions, please contact us.
Home Loan Contact Form
Let us get you the perfect loan for your perfect home.
Savings Account Contact Form
Let us help you take a big step toward your financial goals.
Business Contact Form
Learn how you can profit from doing business with us.
Sikorsky Credit Union has been named the #1 Credit Union in CT for the past five years and offers membership to those living, working, volunteering or worshiping in Fairfield, New Haven & Hartford counties.
Best rates and excellent customer service!
Ready to Bank Better?
Join Sikorsky Credit Union today.
Better Rates & Lower Fees
We are CT's #1 credit union for a reason
Access Your Accounts Anytime
Online & mobile banking gives you 24/7 access
Your Security is Our Priority
Committed to safeguarding your personal and financial information
Putting You First, Always
Every member is valued and respected at Sikorsky Credit Union