Personal Lines Of Credit
Write yourself a loan whenever life happens
All-purpose tool
Tap into your credit line anytime you want for any reason at all.
Affordable rates
You have the option to pay interest only on your outstanding balance.
Built-in protection
Use it with your checking account to cover any potential overdrafts.
A revolving loan fund is an excellent safety net when you run into cash-flow challenges or unexpected expenses. But it also provides the opportunity to make special purchases, do exciting things, and bring happiness to the people you care about most.
- One simple application opens the door to years of credit line access
- Access funds with your debit card or with a check
- As you make payments to the credit line, funds can be reused for other purposes
Sikorsky Credit Union has been named the #1 Credit Union in CT for the past five years and offers membership to those living, working, volunteering or worshiping in Fairfield, New Haven & Hartford counties.
Today's Rates
Resources To Help You Manage Your Personal Expenses
Financial Calculators
Crunch the numbers by using our calculators to help you make sound financial decisions.
Financial Blog
Strengthen your financial literacy with our range of blog articles.
Loan Services
Save time with our personal loan services.
Personal Loan Rates
Low loan rates help you get things done. Explore ours now.
Ready to Bank Better?
Join Sikorsky Credit Union today.
Better Rates & Lower Fees
We are CT's #1 credit union for a reason
Access Your Accounts Anytime
Online & mobile banking gives you 24/7 access
Your Security is Our Priority
Committed to safeguarding your personal and financial information
Putting You First, Always
Every member is valued and respected at Sikorsky Credit Union