Maximize your savings by seeing how patience pays off

Choose your term of anywhere from 3 months to 5 years.
Our Certificates grow at fixed rates, so you're assured to end up with more money than when you started.
Leave your money alone for the full term to get the most from your Certificate.
If you have excess money you won't need for a while, consider a Certificate, or two, from Sikorsky Credit Union. The longer you keep your money deposited, the higher your rate, typically. They're a great way to add diversity to your savings strategy.
For more information, read through our Member Share Account Contract and Schedule of Fees.
Sikorsky Credit Union has been named the #1 Credit Union in CT for the past five years and offers membership to those living, working, volunteering or worshiping in Fairfield, New Haven & Hartford counties.
Today's Rates
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APY= Annual Percentage Yield. There is a $500 minimum to open the certificate and earn APY. Dividends are calculated using an average daily balance method and are paid monthly. Dividend rates on Share Certificates are fixed and will not change until maturity. The APY assumes dividends and principal will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. Any withdrawal of principal from certificates before maturity will be subject to penalty. Your savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.